A Hamasz 22 rakétát lőtt Izraelre
A tegnapi napon a Hamasz 22 rakétát lőtt Izraelre,
ebből 2 rakétát hajnali 4 órakor (4 órával a tűzszünet vége előtt).
Órákkal később az Izraeli Védelmi Erők azt az utasítást kapták, hogy
reagáljanak a Hamasz rakétáira. Izrael tovább folytatja védelmét a Hamasz terror ellen.
22 rockets were fired at Israel today, 2 of them were fired at 4 am (4 hours before the cease fire ended). Hours later the Israel Defense Forces were instructed to react to Hamas' rockets.
Israel will continue defending itself against Hamas' terror.
22 rockets were fired at Israel today, 2 of them were fired at 4 am (4 hours before the cease fire ended). Hours later the Israel Defense Forces were instructed to react to Hamas' rockets.
Israel will continue defending itself against Hamas' terror.
22 rockets were fired at Israel today, 2 of them were fired at 4 am (4 hours before the cease fire ended). Hours later the Israel Defense Forces were instructed to react to Hamas' rockets.
Israel will continue defending itself against Hamas' terror.
22 rockets were fired at Israel today, 2 of them were fired at 4 am (4 hours before the cease fire ended). Hours later the Israel Defense Forces were instructed to react to Hamas' rockets.
Israel will continue defending itself against Hamas' terror.