Az eilati katonai kikötőben vasárnap este befejeződött az iráni kikötőből
kifutott, a Vörös tenger nemzetközi vizein szerdán elfogott és az eilati
kikötőbe kísért „Klos-C” teherhajó kirakodása és a rakomány átvizsgálása.
A kibontott konténerekben egyebek között 40 darab szíriai gyártmányú M-302
tipusú rakétát, 181 aknagránátot és 400 ezer 7.62 milliméteres kaliberű
töltényt találtak. Az M-302 rakéta hatótávolsága 160 kilométer. Izraeli
feltevés szerint a rakományt a Gázai-övezetbe szánták, ahonnan Izrael
legsűrűbben lakott központi része lőtávolba került volna.
Egyiptomi biztonsági tisztviselők szerint a hajó a Szináj-félsziget déli
csúcsán lévő Rasz Muhammad kikötőben dokkolt volna, hogy a fegyverekből a
félszigeten tevékenykedő szalafista terroristáknak is jusson.
A panamai zászló alatt hajózó “Klos-C” hétfőn reggel még az eilati
kikötőben horgonyzott. Távozásának napja nem ismeretes, de úgy tűnik, nem
tartóztatják hosszú ideig. A török személyzet kihallgatása befejeződött.
Továbbra is úgy vélik, hogy nem tudták, valójában mit szállít a hajó.
Beni Ganz vezérezredes, vezérkari főnök szombaton este találkozott a
„Sájetet 13” haditengerészeti kommandó legénységével, amely végrehajtotta a
fegyvercsempész hajó elfogását, és elismerését fejezte ki a sikeres akció
fölött. „Ez bonyolult és hosszadalmas akció volt, de a küzdelem a
terrorszervezetek stratégiai fegyverekkel történő ellátása ellen korántsem
fejeződött be. Sok feladatot kell még megoldanunk” – mondta Ganz a katonák
Iran’s gift to Gaza terrorists: 40 missiles, 181 mortar shells and 400,000 bullets
Israel set to reveal to world the weaponry that Iran attempted to send to Gaza terror groups on Klos C ship that was intercepted last week in Red Sea • IDF official: The M-302 missiles would have given Hamas and Islamic Jihad strategic capability.
Shoval, Shlomo Cesana, Eli Leon, Dan Lavie and Israel Hayom Staff
A missile
and mortar shells found aboard the Klos C ship
Prime Minister Benajmin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and
Israeli Navy Commander Vice Adm. Ram Rothberg were scheduled to hold a press
conference Monday at the Eilat Port to present the Gaza-bound weaponry found
aboard the Klos C ship, which was intercepted by the
navy last week in the Red Sea.
The ship was carrying:
40 Syrian-made M-302 missiles with a 90-to-160 kilometer (60-to-100 mile)
181 mortar shells, 120 mm caliber
About 400,000 bullets, 7.62 mm caliber
Soldiers from Yahalom, the Israel Defense Forces combat engineering unit
for special operations, began unpacking the ship’s cargo on Saturday afternoon.
After unloading and removing the weapons, the containers were returned to the
ship’s hold.
The 17
crew members of the Klos C have been questioned by Military Intelligence
personnel. It was expected that the ship, along with its crew, would be
released and allowed to depart on Monday.
attaches, ambassadors and members of the press from around the world were
expected to come to the presentation of the seized weapons on Monday. During
the presentation, the weapons Iran was trying to send to Gaza terror groups
will be displayed and the means of hiding the weapons will be explained in an
effort to show the world that Iran, which is in the midst of negotiations with
the West, cannot be trusted. Netanyahu is also expected to reveal documents and
testimonies from crew members that connect Iran to the arms shipment.
addressed the issue at the beginning of Sunday’s cabinet meeting, saying, “The
Iranian weapons ship reached Israel last night. The operation to seize the ship
had two goals: Preventing the delivery of deadly weapons to terrorist
organizations in the Gaza Strip, which would have directly endangered Israel’s
citizens, and exposing the true face of Iran, which was behind this weapons
shipment. Iran completely denies its involvement; it is lying in the most
brazen manner. We will present evidence of this tomorrow and later.”
to claims that the naval operation was unnecessary, an IDF official told Israel
Hayom that, “There are rockets in this shipment with a 160 kilometer range. If
you do the math, they could reach Haifa. These are new rockets that threaten
the majority of Israeli citizens. It is not right to simply say, ‘There are so
many rockets in Gaza, what would a few more matter?’ These are a lot of
rockets, with longer ranges and with bigger warheads. A missile like this in
the hands of Hamas or Islamic Jihad gives them strategic capability.”
Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement that the weapons aboard the Klos C were
“advanced weapons that would place Israeli citizens at risk. The IDF will
continue in its mission to prevent the smuggling of weapons to terrorist
Meanwhile, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton
met Sunday with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, during her first visit to the Islamic republic. The
visit came after an invitation from Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad
Zarif, marking a thaw in relations since the beginning of the year.
“I have
come to Iran with the message of goodwill of 28 European countries, and this is
my first opportunity to talk with the Iranian officials over a different issue.
And this is a start for the development of cooperation between Iran and the
EU,” Ashton was quoted as saying by Iranian Fars News Agency.
“The EU
fully acknowledges the Islamic Republic of Iran’s importance and role in the
region; accordingly, talks have taken place during this trip for cooperation
between the two sides on different issues,” she added.
said that, “Iran will only accept a solution that is respectful, that respects
the rights of the Iranian people.”
trip to Iran is the first by an EU foreign policy chief since 2008.
Sunday’s cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said, “I would like to ask [Ashton] if she
asked her Iranian hosts about this shipment of weapons for terrorist
organizations, and if not, why not. Nobody has the right to ignore the true and
murderous actions of the regime in Tehran. I think that it would be proper for
the international community to refer to Iran’s true policy, not its
Forrás: http://www.breuerpress.com/