My name is Sharon Asher. I became interested inthe Moroccan Jewish national costumes and impressed by the genuine kindness of the people. the is heritage is preserved for thousands of years, and present even today.
From the jewish morrocan heritages and traditions I show the celebrations of the Mimuna and henna.
The meaning of Mimuna is wealth. The celebrations origin time is unbeknown. the jewish - moroccans have celebrated the mimuna on the first day after Pessach ( Jewish Pascha) during the jewish mounth Nissan which is around april.
Every Jewish - Moroccan family celebrates with traditional wear, music dance and various festive dishes.
The Henna is a traditional Moroccan - Jewish engagement celebration.
The Henna celebration begins in the bride parent's house. Accordink to the tradition, the Henna brings happiness and wealth to the new young couple.
The cloths they lear have a golden stripe which is the symbol of wealth.
On the cloths sleeves there are little mirrors with white frames, the symbol of agreement and cooperation. The cloths colors are bright, light green and scarlet which are the symbols the love and long life. At the end of the celebration traditionally "nanna" mint tea is offered.
From the jewish morrocan heritages and traditions I show the celebrations of the Mimuna and henna.
The meaning of Mimuna is wealth. The celebrations origin time is unbeknown. the jewish - moroccans have celebrated the mimuna on the first day after Pessach ( Jewish Pascha) during the jewish mounth Nissan which is around april.
Every Jewish - Moroccan family celebrates with traditional wear, music dance and various festive dishes.
The Henna is a traditional Moroccan - Jewish engagement celebration.
The Henna celebration begins in the bride parent's house. Accordink to the tradition, the Henna brings happiness and wealth to the new young couple.
The cloths they lear have a golden stripe which is the symbol of wealth.
On the cloths sleeves there are little mirrors with white frames, the symbol of agreement and cooperation. The cloths colors are bright, light green and scarlet which are the symbols the love and long life. At the end of the celebration traditionally "nanna" mint tea is offered.